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Where We Started

威尼斯人网上娱乐追寻公平和包容的悠久传统, 同时渴望在创建一个真正多元化和热情的校园社区中发挥更大的社区领导作用.



In 1881, Drake University had a modest beginning. 它的创始人梦想着建立一个基础广泛、自由而非宗派的机构. 建立大学运作所需的教育氛围, they issued the following statement:

“这所大学是建立在广泛、自由和现代的基础上的. 公司章程规定,公司所有部门不分性别向所有人开放, religion or race. 在管理和影响方面,它将以基督教为目标,而不是宗派主义.摘自《威尼斯人网上娱乐历史与特色》2005/06目录.


1881 Mrs. W. P. Macy is the 1st woman faculty member (Art Dept.)

1885 Jeu Hawk is the 1st international student (China)

1887 Simon W. Scott is the 1st student of African descent

1904 Women begin playing intramural basketball

1909 妇女联盟是有组织的,所有大学的妇女都被认为是会员

1915 Cosmopolitan Club is founded on campus. Associated with the National Cordra Fratris Association, their motto is “Above All Nations Is Humanity.该俱乐部由同等数量的外国和美国出生的学生组成. Inter-racial problems are studied and discussed.

1923 莫德·汉弗莱(26届)赢得了全国大学女子篮球投掷记录,并被选入女子“D”俱乐部.

1935 Jesse Owens runs for Ohio State in the Drake Relays

1943 Drake’s student newspaper, the Times-Delphic, 正式抗议爱荷华州立法机构要求联邦政府不授予日裔美国学生大学教育的决议.

1946 Drake, along with Iowa State University and the University of Iowa, introduces desegregated dormitories, years ahead of many institutions across the nation.

1951 威尼斯人网上娱乐退出密苏里山谷会议,因为MVC没有对种族动机约翰尼·布莱特事件采取行动做出回应(足球)

1951 夏威夷俱乐部成立,向所有对该组织感兴趣的学生开放

1953 Eleanor Roosevelt speaks on human rights (Oct. 5)

1957 Dr. Eddie V. Easley becomes the 1st African American faculty member

1959 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King speaks at the University Christian Church

1961 奥运选手威尔玛·鲁道夫在威尼斯人网上娱乐接力赛中赢得了有史以来第一个女子比赛

1963 教务委员会批准了威尼斯人网上娱乐的官方反歧视条例

1963 First meeting of the Drake Council on Human Rights is held

1964 威尼斯人网上娱乐学生,帕蒂·米勒(类1965)参加密西西比自由夏季项目.

1966 母性决议通过教务委员会——一项修正案,要求威尼斯人网上娱乐健康服务部门向所有学生分发节育信息和设备, faculty, and staff who request them

1968 Sororities extend “Rush” beyond white students

1969 Charles E. 西姆斯被任命为第一位少数族裔学生顾问,并建立了黑人文化中心

1969 Drake’s Air Force ROTC names its first woman commander, Kathy Brittin

1969 Open Dorm policy passes Faculty Senate

1971 Drake Women’s Center chartered

1974 Kathryn Graf becomes the 1st female Student Body President

1980s 威尼斯人网上娱乐非歧视政策修订,也解决性骚扰

1983 Human Rights Day on campus

1990 学生团体:DUAL(威尼斯人网上娱乐另类生活方式)和SELF(平等学生组织), Liberation, and Feminism) founded on campus

1992 Disability Resource Center founded on campus

1993 DUAL is renamed BGLAD (Bisexual, Gay, and Lesbian Alliance at Drake)

1994 威尼斯人网上娱乐理事会批准了《威尼斯人网上娱乐》

1995 BGLAD sponsors campus activities for National Coming Out Day

2003 University-wide Diversity Audit submitted by Myrna Adams, JD; J. Herman Blake, Ph.D.; Albert Ramirez, PhD

2010 教务长罗恩·特罗耶成立了全球教育注入工作小组 & Multicultural Understanding (WGIGMU), 以确保威尼斯人网上娱乐继续专注于国内的多样性,同时威尼斯人网上娱乐不断发展专注于国际化的努力

2013 WGIGMU facilitated bringing Michele Norris, National Public Radio (NPR) host, and “The Race Card Project” to campus. 种族卡项目鼓励人们分享他们对种族的看法, ethnicity and cultural identity. The event was free and open to the public.

2013 船员澳门威尼斯人网站项目是由melissa Klimaszewski和William Z. Hatchet. Crew Scholars是一群有色人种的学生,他们共同努力,支持彼此的成功, academic excellence, and leadership growth.

2013 质量倡议是由Renee Cramer博士提交给高等教育委员会的.D.; Michael Couvillion, Ph.D.; and Melissa Sturm-Smith, Ph.D. 该倡议旨在“改变大学文化,确保所有种族和民族的人都能在威尼斯人网上娱乐找到一个欢迎和支持的环境。, 同时也增加了威尼斯人网上娱乐学生的种族和民族多样性, faculty and staff.”

2015 威尼斯人网上娱乐不再要求申请人提交标准化考试成绩来考虑进入大学. This policy is called the Test Flexible policy.

2015 The Strategic Diversity Action Team (SDAT) was formed, composed of faculty, staff, students, 以及整个校园的管理人员来解决校园多样性的问题

2015 Campus Climate Assessment conducted assessing the living, working, and classroom environment for all members of campus

2016 Created Equity and Inclusion statement and commitment

2016 Alumni Office creates LGBTQ+ and allies alumni advisory board

2016 统一圆桌会议(多元文化学生组织管理机构)正式认可

2016 Flight Program founded. Flight is focused on the experiences of the incoming, first year, students of color to support connects and success

2016 Director of Student Engagement, Equity, and Inclusion position created in the Division of Student Affairs

2016 Added gender identity and expression, 遗传信息和退伍军人身份对非歧视政策的影响

2016 UNITY圆桌会议是官方认可的注册学生组织和多元文化学生组织的管理机构

2017 残障行动意识社区学生组织是公认的注册学生组织

2017 在教务长办公室设立负责校园公平和包容的副教务长职位

2017 学生可以向大学提交一个首选的名字,这样学生选择的名字就可以出现在班级和宿舍的花名册上, student ID’s and other public-facing lists. This is called the Preferred First Name System.

2018 Student Equity Action Partners, 一个致力于倡导校园公平和包容的注册学生组织成立

2019 威尼斯人网上娱乐LGBTQ校友和盟友顾问委员会在得梅因LGBTQ+骄傲游行中首次组织了威尼斯人网上娱乐花车

2019 All incoming new students participate in online Equity & Inclusion tutorials

2019 佩吉·费舍尔被任命为该校管理委员会董事会的首位女性主席

2020 Alumni Office creates Black Alumni Association


University News